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EFT Tapping

EFT is an evidence-based therapy that combines tapping and psychology. The technique is a brief intervention that combines exposure, cognitive therapy, and somatic stimulation of acupressure points on the face and body, referred to as acupuncture without the needles. It is effective at treating various issues including anxiety, depression, phobias and trauma. EFT involves lightly tapping on acupressure points while repeating carefully crafted phrases. The tapping sequence is incredibly rapid and an easy process that helps achieve freedom from negative emotions; individuals can release stress and promote wellness. Discover the power of EFT to achieve emotional freedom.


"EFT offers great healing benefits." 

~ Deepak Chopra

EFT Therapy

Get support for your mental and emotional needs, let us calm the chaos of your negative thoughts and beliefs, and release the negative emotions. Individual, or family sessions, are tailored to your specific needs, releasing the emotional blockages that continues to keep hold of you.


Are you struggling with persistent negative thoughts or feelings? Natalie can guide you to uncovering the root cause of your challenges, neutralise the attached emotions and rewire your thinking. Release painful past experiences, reduce the stress and regulate your central nervous system.


EFT tapping sessions will release blocked energy and resurface the emotions and memories. With these memories and emotions, you will be guided to releasing them and supported with rewiring new beliefs. These sessions can also be used to learn EFT tapping as a coping tool for individuals or as a family approach to support both children and guardians.


Experience the power of transformational tapping to support your emotional welling, with 1:1 sessions in-person or remotely.


Tapping Circles

A tapping circle is an affordable way to introduce tapping into your life. Attending a tapping circle will equip you with the basics of emotional freedom techniques. This is a fast and effective way to regulate your nervous system, help manage stress, release tension, and release negative emotions and negative energy.


The benefits of tapping in a group, reinforces the effects of tapping and connecting you with like-minded people, in a safe, supportive environment. There is no pressure to share any personal information. Though you will be asked to think of an issue to focus on during the tapping sequence, to release the negative emotions attached to it. You will be guided and supported through the process to help release the emotional intensity.


Each session will focus on a general theme that will resonate with anyone, and can apply this to their own situation, such as releasing stress or promoting positive thinking.


​​Please ask for details to hold a group tapping session at your event.​


 EFT Tapping Workshops

Introductory workshops are designed to introduce people to the power of EFT. Ideal  for anyone, including healthcare professionals, teachers, and community members, including children, to experience the benefits of tapping first-hand. Excellent for resilience to create instant stress relief or to learn simple techniques to deal with daily stressors. The workshops can be bespoke with aim to motivate and inspire people to further explore, and discover EFT as a self-care practice.


We can deliver bespoke workshops, though we will introduce the basics. We will guide you though a simple tapping sequence, that you can easily follow and implement as your own regular self-practice. We will provide an overview of what tapping is, how it can help, and when to use it. A few uncomplicated scripts will be shared, to further guide you in your own self-practice.


After the session, you will understand the power of tapping, know how to self-apply a basic sequence. Gain a new perspective to adopt self-tapping practice for stress, anxiety, and more; to strengthen resilience and promote a more positive home life, and workplace.


Natalie is also available for guest talks and demos at events





Kylie, Workshop Attendee

"I learned a lot on the Tapping for Self-practice workshop. The course information was communicated clearly and was really interesting. I felt connected and engaged. Would recommend."

Helen, Tapping Circle Member

"I attendee the Tapping Circles in Llandudno. I can honestly say that EFT has changed my life! Taken me from chaos to calm literally! I use the practice when I'm driving or when difficult situations arise and it has helped me massively."

Danielle, EFT Therapy

"I have had EFT therapy from The Chaotic Mind Coach. I found Natalie to be professional and knowledgeable . The EFT therapy was really beneficial."

- FREE Gift -

Download free Stress Release tapping script

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